Managing Teams

Teams allow dividing all workspace members into smaller teams (groups). A team can represent a department, office location, or project. Members of the team are notified about each other leaves.

In this article

Each team can have one or more  Team Managers. Team Managers can approve team members' leave requests and manage who is part of a team.

How to Create a New Team

  1. Sign in to Spock Dashboard
  2. Click Members tab
  3. Select Teams in the left menu
  4. Click Add New Team button (right side)
  5. Enter the name of the team

  6. Click Save

How Add/Remove Member(s) to Team

  1. Sign in to Spock Dashboard
  2. Click Members tab
  3. Select Teams in the left menu

  4. Select a team, you want to manage members
  5. Click "Add New Members" to add or "Remove Members" to remove
  6. Check the users you want to add/remove from the team

  7. When adding, select the team role for the member:

    Team Manager Role (can approve team's leave requests and manage a team)

    - Member Role

  8. Click "Add Selected Members" to add new members

If you want to change only the role of a member, remove him first, then add a new role.

How to Delete a Team

  1. Sign in to Spock Dashboard
  2. Click Settings tab
  3. Select Teams in the left menu
  4. Select the team, you want to delete
  5. Click the link "Delete team?" in the right-bottom corner
  6. Check to confirm the deletion

  7. Click the Delete team button

Notice: You have to remove all members from the team before deleting it.

Managing User's Memberships in Profile

You can manage the user's role in the user's profile:

  1. Sign-in to Dashboard
  2. Go to Members
  3. Search user
  4. Open his profile
  5. Click the "Roles and Teams" tab
  6. Click "Add New Membership"
  7. Select "Team"
  8. Select "Role"
  9. Save to confirm

Team notifications to Slack channel

Team notifications on Spock enable you to keep track of leave requests within your team. You can receive notifications to a Slack channel of your choice whenever an event related to requesting leave of team members occurs.

Setting up Team Notifications

To enable team notifications, you will need to take the following steps:

  1. Go to the Members tab in Spock, then select Teams.
  2. Choose the Team for which you want to set up team notifications.
  3. Open the Notifications tab.
  4. Select the Slack channel where notifications will be sent.
  5. Choose to send Daily Report to the channel
    1. Select the Hour when the report will be sent
    2. Select Timezone
    3. Select what leaves are included in the report:
      1. Today's leaves
      2. Tomorrow's leaves
      3. Today's and tomorrow's leaves
  6. Select the Events for which notifications should be sent.
  7. Confirm by clicking the Save Changes button

Note: Before selecting a channel, you must invite Spock to that channel by typing "/invite @spock" in the channel.

Note 2: If you do not see private channels in the list, ask the Spock Administrator/Installer to reinstall Spock by clicking "Add Spock to Slack" on the pricing page.

Types of Events for Team Notifications

The types of events for which you can receive team notifications include the following:

  • Requesting Leave
  • Approving Leave
  • Rejecting Leave
  • Canceling Leave
  • Deleting Leave

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